15 min - warming up and stretching exercises.
40 min - muscle strengthening of all major muscle groups with stretching
between exercises
5 min - cooling down.
A more active form of Bodyshape.
A more active class with focus on abdominals, buttocks and
Yin Yoga is a gentle, slow, meditative form of yoga.
Postures are held for extended periods of time.
The muscles relax as much as possible. Due to this long duration and relaxation, an effect occurs in the deeper parts of the body and the connective tissue is stimulated, which is located around, for example, muscles and joints.
A combination of Stretching and Bodyshape.
Extra focus on breathing and stability.
Emphasis on control, concentration and breathing. A safe way to strengthen your abdominal, back and leg muscles.
Because the stability, mobility and flexibility of your body is increased Pilates is also suitable as a rehabilitation technique!
30 min – Zumba (warming-up and aerobic )
25 min – Belly-Legs-Buttocks strenghtening excercises
5 min – cooling-down
Class for men only: 75 minutes stamina and stretching